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Wednesday, April 30, 2014


     YOLO, an acronym for "You Only Live Once," has a good message behind it. Unfortunately, its meaning has become lost to the vast majority of society, who mainly use the term as an excuse for acts of stupidity. Examples include:

Concerned witness: You're really going to climb on top of that building? You're going to break your neck!

Less than smart person: YOLO!

Drug Dealer: Wanna smoke some crack?

Rob Ford: Sure! YOLO!

Society: That is simply not okay in a modern and civilized world.

Donald Sterling: Racism? YOLO!

I could go on, but I'll spare you from all the acts of stupidity I've witnessed. If YOLO ever signified living your one finite life to the fullest, it certainly doesn't any more. So next time you tweet, please type something other than "YOLO!!!!!11." 

Ignorance is the curse of God;
knowledge is the wing
wherewith we fly to heaven.

-William Shakespeare