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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thoughts on the Vlogbrothers

In my last post I mentioned being a Nerdfighter. It struck me that I should maybe elaborate on what, exactly, that is. By technical definition, a Nerdfighter is someone who is made entirely of awesomeness, but commonly, we're simply defined by our love of the Vlogbrothers, and our goal to decrease worldsuck. The Vlogbrothers are namely Hank and John Green, which are names you might just recognize. John is the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Fault in our Stars, Looking for Alaska, and An Abundance of Katherines. Hank is the founder of VidCon, Scishow, EcoGeek, and numerous other organizations. They are both heavily involved in the YouTube channel Crash Course, which you can find here, and The Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck.

Since 2007, the brothers have been vlogging one another about many pressing issues in the world, and eventually, they amassed a following consisting of hundreds of thousands of young adults. Truly brilliant, their videos talk about all aspects of life and the human struggle. I highly suggest checking them out by either following a link to their channel here, or by watching the video down below. These guys are awesome, and some of their videos may just change your entire outlook on life. Be warned though, once you start watching these videos, you may never want to stop.

If you're a Nerdfighter yourself, or just want to share your thoughts, please leave me a comment below, and DFTBA (Don't Forget To Be Awesome)!
Ignorance is the curse of God;
knowledge is the wing
wherewith we fly to heaven.

-William Shakespeare