Under the Never Sky, written by Veronica Rossi, is a classic YA dystopian novel. The story, told from two different points of view, focuses around Aria, a sheltered young adult who's been banished from her "pod." The pods were apparently built to house humanity after a great war called "The Unity." When Aria is thrown out of her pod, an Outsider named Perry comes to her rescue. As they voyage across deadly terrain, and face countless dangers together, they're forced to depend on one another.
The book focuses a lot on this unwitting partnership, which eventually transitions to a romance. Rossi, while she sometimes progresses the story to quickly, has a surprising command of her characters for a debut author. The story explores human limits, and just how far we'll go to help those that we love.
All in all, Under the Never Sky is a highly readable, if flawed, novel.