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Saturday, June 14, 2014

'Tis Finally Summer!

     I'm going to apologize right now for my last post about Graham's number, as it was pretty awful. In my defence, I was studying furiously for exams that evening (and/or marathoning Torchwood on Netflix.) But I am oh-so happy to announce that this school year is officially over! I've had a great freshman year and I've made some excellent new friends at my high school, but I'm just ready for the year to be over at this point.
     I suspect many of you guys are just as tired as I am from studying (watching Netflix) and writing (sleeping through) exams. Well give yourself a pat on the back, because you survived this school year, and now summer vacation stretches out before you, practically begging to be spent reading books while lounging on the beach. So get out there and soak in those rays of sunshine (just wear sunscreen so you don't get cancer.)

There are sunny days ahead
     Seriously guys, life is short, far too short to be spent sitting in your room and watching Doctor Who all day. Go to the beach. Hang out with friends. I'm challenging you guys to make this summer truly worthwhile. Push your limits, and take every opportunity that comes your way this summer. There are so many things we can do, like volunteering at an organization or event (remember: volunteers make the world go 'round.) So get out there and explore all that your community has to offer. 

     I'm looking forward to my time on the beach, and you should be too. There's a world of possibilities out there, all just waiting to be found! Get active, get involved, and have the time of your life this summer!

     What are your plans for summer? Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below, and feel free to contact me on Contemplations' Facebook and Google+ pages, or email me at Thanks for reading guys, and have an awesome summer!
Ignorance is the curse of God;
knowledge is the wing
wherewith we fly to heaven.

-William Shakespeare